Archive for July, 2012

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10 Things I love about Stockholm


I have been living in Stockholm for the best part of three years now.

Inspired by my friend Thomas Wilkinson’s “The 10 best things about living in Thailand” on his blog Earthoria, I thought it would only be fair for me to share my thoughts on the ten best and worst things about life in Stockholm, Sweden.

I am deliberately avoiding generalising about life in Sweden as a whole because I believe that I have not yet reached that level of knowledge about the country in its entirety to allow me to post a helpful review. What I do know is that life in Stockholm and a handful of other “big” cities here, is significantly different to that of the rest of the country and generalising will probably not be just.

1. Water, water, water!

Stockholm, a city in water

Stockholm, a city in water

They don’t call it “Venice of the North” for no reason. Stockholm is not one city. It’s a collection of thousands of islands and islets (around 24,000 to be more precise!), some large but most small, forming the Stockholm Archipelago (or Skärgården as it’s known here), one of the biggest of the Baltic Sea.

There’s access to water everywhere here! You feel like you never live too far from a canal, a river, a lake or the sea. The distances between the islands are generally small, small enough to be able to canoe between groups of them, peg your tent and call it home for an evening.

The islands are beautiful, the water is swimmable (at least during the warmer summer months anyway!) and with so many around, chances are that you will never have to worry about privacy or overcrowding.


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Dolphin encounters


Dolphins, swimming in crystal-clear blue waters are the stuff of dreams for many lovers of the sea and its marine life.

Dolphins jumping out of the sea

Dolphin encounters in the sea are every sea-lover’s dream

There is no shortage of places in the world where one can experience wild dolphins in their own habitat, either from the comfort of a boat or among the sea mammals themselves, while snorkelling or scuba diving.

In most instances, getting access to a boat or scuba gear during a holiday necessitates buying some sort of tour package  with “dolphin watching” or “swimming with dolphins” in its title.

As with every activity that brings humans into contact with wildlife though, the word “responsible” should be a constant reminding requirement when it comes to choosing who to go with.


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The dreaded travel insurance

Damaged luggage

Ready to hit the bars! Source: Air Travel Luggage Consultant Weblog

I’ll start the tips section with a topic that’s all too familiar to anyone who has ever had a mishap during travels; the big I, Travel Insurance!

There are as many travel insurance policies and combinations out there as there are opportunities to make use of them or completely invalidate them.

Despite the plethora of options however, here are some things you should keep in mind when planning a trip somewhere, regardless of whether it is abroad or in your very own country.
